Support LikeWise Fiction

When you donate, you're not just helping cover things like production and hosting costs for this show. You're also helping support an entire creative ecosystem, including editing, graphic design, illustration, and, of course, the authors behind the short stories shared on LikeWise Fiction. Let's help make the inclusive and sustainable creative world we'd like to see, one little bit at a time!


Season 1 of LikeWise Fiction is supported by the following generous sponsors:


Friend of the Show
Paige Dugan
Friend of the Show
Leslie Ellis
Friend of the Show
Melissa Fu
Friend of the Show
Andrew Hamada
Tracy Heuring
Friend of the Show
Mike Lim
Friend of the Show
Blue Mitchell
Photographer & Publisher
Ari Moradi
Friend of the Show
Eleonora Ronconi
Dean Sakasegawa
Friend of the Show
Crystal T
Friend of the Show
Mathieu Trudeau
Friend of the Show
WMFA Podcast
A Podcast About Why & How We Write